Welcome to the Phakisa Blog

The Phakisa blog is a place for clients to find knowledgeable and newsworthy articles to enrich their experience with Phakisa Holdings.
Phakisa Service - Payroll

Phakisa provides a turnkey human resources solution that helps our customers increase their operations’ agility while reliably decreasing operation expenditure. We are proud to be your strategic partner in human capital management, and our blog is the place to share our latest news and updates.

Human Capital and Economic Growth

In the 2021 Deloitte South Africa Human Capital Trends survey, executives identified “the ability of their people to adapt, reskill, and assume new roles” as the top-ranked item to navigate future disruptions, with 77% selecting it as the most important or second most important factor. A further 54% of South African executives (13% higher than the 41% of the results of the global trend) indicated that building workforce capability through upskilling, reskilling, and mobility is one of the most important actions they are taking to transform work.

The importance of an excellent workforce that can adapt and assume new roles is vital to Phakisa. Decision-makers are often confronted with uncertainty because they aren’t always able to quantify the labour force needed to satisfy the company’s needs. Phakisa solves this problem.

Our Company Culture

The Phakisa Group is a company that values entrepreneurship and performance. We have a strong financial position and healthy cash flow, which allows us to invest in our growth. Our culture is based on the principles of “being good people,” which come from our heritage as a family-owned business that became a corporation.

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