The Benefits of Flexible Temporary Employment

Phakisa offers clients temporary employment services that offer many benefits for businesses, job seekers, and workers.
temporary employment

Phakisa’s temporary employment services have been a valuable resource for businesses and job seekers. Phakisa provides a bridge between the demands of the job market and the needs of businesses, offering both parties a wide range of benefits.

In South Africa, temporary employment is defined as being only for a limited duration or specific purpose. Employers may use temporary employment to meet short-term business needs or fill in for permanent employees absent for long periods, like maternity leave.

Temporary employees are entitled to certain rights and protections under South African labour law, such as a minimum wage, working hours restrictions, and workplace health and safety standards.

A Flexible Employment Solution

For businesses, temporary employment services offer a flexible solution to their staffing needs. Instead of hiring a full-time employee, they can hire a temporary worker to fill in for short-term absences, handle a surge in demand, or work on specific projects.

This allows companies to respond quickly to changing business conditions without incurring the cost and commitment of a long-term hire.

Moreover, temporary employees are fully screened by Phakisa, which saves companies time and money on the recruitment and selection process.

Temporary workers bring new skills and perspectives to the workplace, helping companies tackle new challenges and improve their overall operations. Temporary employees also offer businesses the opportunity to try out potential new hires before committing to a full-time position, reducing the risk of making a bad hire.

Experience For Employees

For job seekers, temporary employment services offer a way to gain experience, build impressive resumes, and earn a steady income. Temporary workers can work in various industries, allowing them to try different jobs and find their true calling.

Temporary employees can work for multiple companies, gaining exposure to different business environments and building diverse skills.

Temporary employment services provide the perfect solution for those in between jobs or looking for a flexible schedule. Job seekers can choose from a range of temporary jobs that fit their schedules and needs, allowing them to work when they want and earn a steady income. This can also help job seekers to maintain their financial stability while they search for their next permanent position.

Flexible Employment Benefits

Temporary employment services also provide valuable benefits for workers seeking a permanent position. Job seekers can demonstrate their skills and work ethic to potential employers by working as temporary employees. This can help them secure a permanent position more quickly and increase their chances of being hired for their desired role.

More benefits include giving workers access to medical aid, paid leave, and retirement plans, which they may not have access to as independent contractors. This gives temporary workers financial security and peace of mind, helping them to focus on their work and achieve their career goals.

Choosing Phakisa Holdings

Phakisa offers clients temporary employment services that offer many benefits for businesses, job seekers, and workers. By connecting companies with the talent they need and job seekers with the work they want, Phakisa can help to create a thriving job market that benefits everyone.

Phakisa actively engages with clients to support their talent management strategy. This includes planning for attracting, recruiting and selecting top talent. Strategies are implemented to attract, develop and retain employees to meet present and future needs.

Whether you’re looking to fill a temporary position or secure a permanent role, Phakisa can help you achieve your business goals and build a successful future. Reach out to Phakisa Holdings to assist with your employment needs.

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